Entries are in reverse date order.
This bus is preserved by Timebus.
23rd February 2020
Harlow bus garage, photoshoot visit, on the occasion of event to commemorate 50 years since London Country Bus Services began
Photo by, and ©, D. Pring
18th August 2013
Hemel Hempstead bus station
Photo by, and ©, E. Pring
1st August 2010
Reversing into the site of the former bus garage, having just arrived with an 'RLH40' recreation of the final London Country RLH operated service of route 461 forty years earlier. The brick pillar on the far left is believed to be from the original garage.
Photo by, and ©, E. Pring
27th April 2008
Crawley Down, West Sussex
Recreating old route 424
Photo © E. Pring
Early 2008: a major refurbishment included repanelling most of the exterior, re-instating 2 windows downstairs and the front blindbox, and reconfiguring the interior.
20th June 2005
Stretching its legs
Photo © E. Pring
13th October 2002
Outside the former Staines West station
Timebus drivers Alan and Matt hold the cake celebrating 'RLH50' event
Photo © E. Pring
13th October 2002
Harrow Weald Garage
A break from the day's rain; garage used courtesy of the operator, Metroline
Photo © E. Pring
June 1997
St. Albans Bus Garage
Enthusiasts' rally
Photo © E. Pring
December 1990: Timebus purchased the vehicle, for use as a crew/storage bus. In the early 1990s, the front upstairs windows were uncovered.
3rd May 1987
Battersea Park
HCVS rally
Photo © M. McClure
1983: Acquired for preservation by a Mr Tippetts of Swindon.
1981 or 1982
Stevenage Bus Garage
Photo © A. Warr
April 1982: A new uniform issuing bus, Leyland National number LNB 57, was introduced and 581 J was declared surplus. Used as an office for a while at Stevenage garage.
30th June 1978
Hatfield Bus Garage
Now wearing a National Bus Company 'mirrored N' logo over the former blindbox area, replacing the previous London Country 'flying polo mint'.
Photo © M. McClure
June 1974
Garston Bus Garage
For the rest of the seventies, 581 J was driven to various London Country garages, where crews would be handed new uniforms over a small counter, which they could then try for size in the fitting room, left of the new hinged entrance door. Upstairs, hanger rails stored the new uniforms. 581 J visited Garston and St. Albans garages particularly often.
By May 1971: Converted into a uniform distribution vehicle. The work was carried out by Brewsters Coachworks of Wrotham, and involved removal of all bus seats, panelling over the rear platform and most of the windows. Fluorescent lights were provided, using electricity from a shore supply, and perspex skylights were fitted in the roof. The vehicle was given departmental number 581 J. The J suffix was used to signify service vehicles with AEC engines. Interestingly, 582 J and 583 J were both AEC Matador breakdown tenders, introduced at the same time.
31st July 1970: worked the last RLH service for London Country, a late night run on route 461A (more details).
1st January 1970: Transferred to the new London Country Bus Services organization, on the day of its formation
It remained in the LT Country area, based at either Amersham or Addlestone, until the end of its passenger carrying career.
Early 1960s
Somewhere on route 336; if you know the location please get in touch!
Photo © J. Sutton
It also worked from Addlestone, Godstone and Reigate garages before overhaul in 1956, one of three during its career.
November 1952
Victoria Road, Horley
On Route 424
Photo ©, and used with permission, of A. Cross
RLH 44 began its career in Country area green colours, at East Grinstead garage.
1952: Built
UK registration number: MXX 244. For other identifying numbers (chassis, body etc) please see this table.
RLH 41 | Fleet List | RLH 45
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