The Massey Junior College (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) RLH fleet consisted of six, making it the largest grouping of RLHs to work together post London Transport. They ran from 1969 until 1974 providing local student transport. These were: RLH 11, RLH 19, RLH 27, RLH 59, RLH 65 and RLH 74. They also operated Bristol KSWs and possibly 2 RTLs. MJC became part of Herzing University in 1979.
RLH 11 (left) and RLH 19 (right) are both first batch RLHs, still in LT Country area green, and retrofitted with front bumpers (fenders). See in September 1972 at Carlton House Yard.
Photo © D. Pring
RLH 74 (left) and RLH 27 (right) in September 1972 at Carlton House, Fashion Institute of America, which was owned by Massey Junior College.
Photo © D. Pring
After the collision which caused the damage shown here in 1969, RLH 59 was used for spare parts and as a seat store.
In the blindbox over the entrance platforms, RLH 19 carried the name Piccadilly Pete whilst RLH 11 was Piccadilly Peach and RLH 74 was Winston.
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