Route 336 Timetable

Route 336 Watford - Rickmansworth - Chalfont - Chesham.

WATFORD Leavesden Road 7.36 8.10 8.35 9.22 9.38 10.38 11.38 12.38 1.38
Watford Clarendon Corner 7.41 8.15 8.40 9.27 9.43 10.43 11.43 12.43 1.43
Watford Met Station 7.46 8.20 8.45 9.32 9.48 10.48 11.48 12.48 1.48
Croxley Green LMR Station 7.49 8.23 8.48 9.35 9.51 10.51 11.51 12.51 1.51
Croxley LT Station 7.52 8.26 8.51 9.38 9.54 10.54 11.54 12.54 1.54
Rickmansworth LT Station 8.1 8.35 9.0 9.47 10.3 11.3 12.3 1.3 2.3
Chorleywood The Gate 8.8 8.42 9.7 9.54 10.10 11.10 12.10 1.10 2.10
Chorleywood Station 7.37T 8.12 8.46 9.11 9.58 10.14 11.14 12.14 1.14 2.14
Chenies School F F 7.42 8.17 F 8.55 9.16 10.3 10.19 11.19 12.19 F 1.19 F 2.19
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station6.42 7.18 7.48 8.23 9.1 9.1 9.22 10.9 10.25 A 11.25 A 12.25 12.42 1.25 1.42 2.25
Amersham Oakfield Corner 6.54 7.30 8.0 8.35 9.13 9.13 9.34 10.21 10.37 10.59 11.37 11.59 12.37 12.54 1.37 1.54 2.37
Chesham Broadway 7.3 7.39 8.9 8.44 9.22 9.22 9.43 B 10.46 11.8 11.46 12.8 12.46 1.3 1.46 2.3 2.46
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 7.7 7.43 8.13 8.48C 9.26 9.26 9.47 10.50 11.12 11.50 12.12 12.50 1.7 1.50 2.7 2.50
WATFORD Leavesden Road 2.28 3.38 4.35 E 5.13 5.38 6.9 6.38 7.9 7.44
Watford Clarendon Corner 2.33 3.45 4.40 4.40 5.18 5.43 6.14 6.43 7.14 7.49
Watford Met Station 2.38 3.48 4.45 4.45 5.23 5.48 6.19 6.48 7.19 7.54
Croxley Green LMR Station 2.41 3.51 4.48 4.48 5.26 5.51 6.22 6.51 7.22 7.57
Croxley LT Station 2.44 3.54 4.51 4.51 5.29 5.54 6.25 6.54 7.25 8.0
Rickmansworth LT Station 2.53 4.3 5.0 5.0 5.38 6.3 6.34 7.3 7.34 8.9
Chorleywood The Gate 3.0 4.10 5.7 5.7 5.45 6.10 6.41 7.10 7.41 8.16 9.15
Chorleywood Station 3.4 3.37T 4.14 5.11 5.11 5.49 6.14 6.45 7.14 7.45 8.20 9.19
Chenies School F 3.9 SD 3.42 4.19 F 5.16 5.16 5.54 6.19 6.50 7.19 F 7.50 8.25 9.24 F F
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station2.373.15 A 3.48 4.25 4.48 5.22 5.22 6.0 6.25 6.56 7.25 7.35 7.56 8.31 9.30 10.26 11.24
Amersham Oakfield Corner 2.493.27 3.40 4.0 4.37 5.0 5.34 5.34 6.12 6.37 7.8 7.37 7.47 8.8 8.42 9.42 10.38 11.36
Chesham Broadway 2.583.36 3.49 4.9 4.46 5.9 5.43 5.43 6.21 6.46 7.17 7.46 B 8.17 8.52 9.51 10.47 B
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 3.2 3.40 3.53C 4.13 4.50 5.13 5.47 5.47 6.25 6.50 7.21 7.50 8.21 8.56 9.55 10.51

A - From Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
C - Arrives Berkhamsted Ashlyns School, School Days only, 11 minutes later
E - Departs Bushey Hall Hotel Gates 4.29 p.m.
F - Departs Latimer Lane 1 minute earlier
NSD - Not School Days
SD - School Days only
T - Time at Chorleywood Green Street

WATFORD Leavesden Road 7.368.19 9.4  9.52 10.4811.5112.311.342.28
Watford Clarendon Corner 7.418.24 9.9  9.57 10.5311.5612.361.392.33
Watford Met Station 7.468.29 9.14 10.2 10.5812.112.411.442.38
Croxley Green LMR Station 7.498.32 9.17 10.5 11.112.412.441.472.41
Croxley LT Station 7.528.35 9.20 10.8 11.412.712.471.502.44
Rickmansworth LT Station 8.1 8.44 9.29 10.17 11.1312.1612.561.592.53
Chorleywood The Gate 8.8 8.51 9.36 10.24 11.2012.
Chorleywood Station 8.128.55 9.40 10.28 11.2412.
Chenies School F 8.179.0  9.45 F 10.33 F11.29F12.32F1.12F2.15F3.9
Chalfont & Latimer LT StationA A 7.488.239.6  9.51 10.6 10.39 11.611.3512.612.381.61.181.362.212.393.15
Amersham Oakfield Corner 6.547.268.0 8.359.18 10.3 10.18 10.51 11.1811.4712.1812.501.181.301.482.332.513.27
Chesham Broadway 7.3 7.358.9 8.449.27 10.12 10.27 11.0 11.2711.5612.2712.591.271.391.572.423.03.36
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 7.7 7.398.138.489.31 10.16 10.31 11.4 11.3112.012.311.31.311.432.12.463.43.40
WATFORD Leavesden Road 3.33.314.64.365.35.386.36.467.87.388.289.310.8
Watford Clarendon Corner 3.83.364.114.415.85.436.86.517.137.438.339.810.13
Watford Met Station 3.133.414.164.465.135.486.136.567.187.488.389.1310.18
Croxley Green LMR Station 3.163.444.194.495.165.516.166.597.217.518.419.1610.21
Croxley LT Station 3.193.474.224.525.195.546.
Rickmansworth LT Station 3.283.564.315.
Chorleywood The Gate 3.354.34.385.85.356.106.357.187.408.109.09.3510.40
Chorleywood Station 3.394.74.425.125.396.146.397.227.448.149.49.3910.44
Chenies School 3.444.124.475.175.446.196.447.277.498.199.99.44F10.49F
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station3.504.184.535.235.506.256.507.337.558.259.159.5010.1910.5511.22
Amersham Oakfield Corner 4.24.305.55.356.26.377.27.458.78.379.2710.210.3111.711.34
Chesham Broadway 4.114.395.145.446.116.467.117.548.168.469.3610.1110.40BB
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 4.254.435.185.486.156.507.157.588.208.509.4010.1510.44

A - From Amersham LT Garage Forecourt 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
F- Departs Latimer Lane 1 minute earlier
X - From Amersham Station 2 minutes earlier

WATFORD Leavesden Road
Watford Clarendon Corner
Watford Met Station
Croxley Green LMR Station 11.311.163.315.317.319.31
Croxley LT Station R11.341.193.345.347.349.34
Rickmansworth LT Station 10.5T10.5211.431.283.435.437.439.43
Chorleywood The Gate 10.1210.5911.501.353.505.507.509.50
Chorleywood Station 10.1611.311.541.393.545.547.549.54
Chenies School 10.2111.811.59F1.44F3.59F5.59F7.59F9.59FF
Chalfont & Latimer LT StationA11.1412.51.161.503.
Amersham Oakfield Corner 9.2611.2612.
Chesham Broadway 9.3511.3512.261.372.113.374.265.376.267.378.269.3710.26BB
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 9.3911.3912.301.412.153.414.305.416.307.418.309.4110.30

A - From Amersham LT Garage Forecourt 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
F - Departs Latimer Lane 1 minute earlier
R - Departs Rickmansworth Picture House 3 minutes earlier
T - Time at Rickmansworth Car Park
X - From Amersham Station 2 minutes earlier

Route 336 Chesham - Chalfont - Rickmansworth - Watford.

CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 7.117.477.478.199.169.2910.1610.5411.1611.56
Chesham Broadway AAAAA7.157.517.518.239.209.3310.2010.5811.2012.0
Amersham Oakfield Corner 6.256.336.587.
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station 6.376.457.
Chenies School C6.51C7.187.297.428.188.18X8.529.4710.4711.47C
Chorleywood Station 6.567.237.34T7.478.238.238.509.5210.5211.52
Chorleywood The Gate
Rickmansworth LT Station 7.77.347.588.348.349.110.311.312.3
Croxley LT Station 7.167.438.78.438.439.1010.1211.1212.12
Croxley Green LMR Station 7.197.468.108.468.469.1310.1511.1512.15
Watford Met Station 7.227.498.138.498.499.1610.1811.1812.18
Watford Clarendon Corner 7.277.548.188.548.549.2110.2311.2312.23
WATFORD Leavesden Road 7.327.598.238.59F9.2610.2811.2812.28
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 12.1612.561.111.542.112.543.63.63.51N4.184.214.545.165.506.296.58
Chesham Broadway
Amersham Oakfield Corner
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station 12.411.211.362.192.363.193.313.314.164.434.434.465.195.416.156.547.23
Chenies School 12.47C1.42C2.423.253.373.374.22CC4.525.255.476.217.0C
Chorleywood Station 12.521.472.473.30T3.423.424.274.575.305.526.267.5
Chorleywood The Gate 12.561.512.513.463.464.315.15.345.566.307.9
Rickmansworth LT Station 1.31.582.583.533.534.385.85.416.36.377.16
Croxley LT Station
Croxley Green LMR Station
Watford Met Station
Watford Clarendon Corner
WATFORD Leavesden Road
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 7.257.538.259.09.5910.54
Chesham Broadway 7.297.578.299.410.310.58
Amersham Oakfield Corner 7.388.68.389.1310.1211.7
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station BB8.50B10.1411.19
Chenies School CC
Chorleywood Station
Chorleywood The Gate

A - From Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
C - Arrives Latimer Lane 1 minute later
E - Arrives Bushey Hall Hotel gates 4.24 p.m.
F - Arrives Cox's Corner at 9.9 a.m.
N or NSD - Not School Days
R - From Berkhamsted Ashlyns School, School Days only, 11 minutes earlier on School Days
SD - School Days only (for School Children only)
X - Arrives Latimer Lane at 8.45 a.m., School Days excepted
Z - School Days only

CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 7.117.438.169.69.3610.2110.3611.811.3612.612.361.91.481.542.13
Chesham Broadway AA7.157.478.209.109.4010.2510.4011.1211.4012.1012.40A1.131.521.582.17
Amersham Oakfield Corner 6.337.07.247.568.299.199.4910.3410.4911.2111.4912.1912.491.
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station 6.457.127.368.88.419.3110.110.4611.111.3312.112.311.111.311.342.132.192.38
Chenies School 6.517.15C8.148.479.37C10.52C11.39C12.37CC1.402.19C2.44
Chorleywood Station 6.567.238.198.529.4210.5711.4412.421.452.242.49
Chorleywood The Gate
Rickmansworth LT Station 7.77.348.309.39.5311.811.5512.531.562.353.0
Croxley LT Station 7.167.338.399.1210.211.1712.
Croxley Green LMR Station 7.197.468.429.1510.511.2012.
Watford Met Station 7.227.498.459.1810.811.2312.
Watford Clarendon Corner 7.277.548.509.2310.1311.2812.
WATFORD Leavesden Road 7.327.598.559.2810.1811.3312.
CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 2.503.163.464.214.465.225.526.207.67.468.28.508.549.4510.1810.52
Chesham Broadway 2.543.203.504.254.505.265.566.247.107.508.68.548.589.4910.2210.56
Amersham Oakfield Corner
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station 3.153.414.114.465.115.476.176.457.318.11B9.15B10.10B11.17
Chenies School 3.213.474.174.525.175.536.236.517.378.179.21CC
Chorleywood Station 3.263.524.224.575.225.586.286.567.428.229.26
Chorleywood The Gate 3.303.564.
Rickmansworth LT Station 3.374.34.335.85.336.96.397.77.538.339.37
Croxley LT Station 3.464.124.425.175.426.186.487.168.28.429.46
Croxley Green LMR Station 3.494.154.455.205.456.216.517.198.58.459.49
Watford Met Station 3.524.184.485.235.486.246.547.228.88.489.52
Watford Clarendon Corner 3.574.234.535.285.536.296.597.278.138.539.57
WATFORD Leavesden Road

A - From Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
F - Arrives Latimer Lane 1 minute later

CHESHAM Nashleigh Arms 9.4211.4212.331.452.323.574.335.576.337.578.339.4510.54
Chesham Broadway A9.4611.4612.371.492.364.14.376.16.378.18.379.4910.58
Amersham Oakfield Corner 9.179.5511.5512.461.582.454.104.466.106.468.108.469.5811.19
Chalfont & Latimer LT Station 9.2910.712.712.582.102.574.224.586.226.588.228.5810.1011.19
Chenies School 9.3510.1310.2412.13C2.16C4.28C6.28C8.28CCC
Chorleywood Station 9.4010.1810.2912.182.214.336.338.33
Chorleywood The Gate 9.4410.2210.3312.222.254.376.378.37
Rickmansworth LT Station 9.5110.2910.4012.292.324.446.448.44
Croxley LT Station 10.3812.382.414.536.538.53
Croxley Green LMR Station 10.4112.412.444.566.568.56
Watford Met Station 10.4412.442.474.596.598.59
Watford Clarendon Corner 10.4912.492.525.47.49.4
WATFORD Leavesden Road 10.5412.542.575.97.99.9

A - From Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes earlier
B - Arrives Amersham LT Garage 6 minutes later
F - Arrives Latimer Lane 1 minute later

Transcribed from Winter 1960 public timetable thanks to A. Chilcott.

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